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International Human Rights Principles and Standards (2017 - 2019)

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Mã/Course code

CAL 6015


Course title

International Human Rights Principles and Standards on Human Rights

/# of credits

3 credits

Số thời gian lên lớp / Lecturing hours

3 hours x 10 teaching sessions = 30 hours

2 seminars (lecturer) + 1 seminar (student) = 3 seminars x 2 hours = 6 hours



Name of course instructors/lecturers

Asso.Prof. Dr. Vu Cong Giao

Dr. La Khanh Tung

Ngôn ngữ Language conduct



1. Mục tiêu đào tạo/ Course objective

Môn học này dự định giúp học viên:

Course objective

- The course will provide students with a strong understanding of the main standards and principles in human rights, and how these have been understood, interpreted, and put into practice.





2. Nội dung tóm tắt

  1. Khái niệm và lịch sử phát triển luật quốc tế về quyền con người
  2. Vị trí, đối tượng, phương pháp điều chỉnh và nguồn của luật quốc tế về quyền con người
  3. Khái quát về các quyền và tự do của cá nhân


  1. Historical development of international law on human rights
  2. Role, subject and scope of international law on human rights
  3. Overall understanding on human freedoms
  4. Capacity to assess compliance with international human rights standards and principles


  1. Criteria for Evaluation and Exam:

Individual presentations                                                                                      20 %

Class participation                                                                                               15 %   

Course paper                                                                                                        15 %

Final exam                                                                                                           50 %.

Individual presentations:

Each student will do a 10-15 minute presentation on the following:

The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action declares that all human rights are ‘universal, indivisible and interdependent and interrelated.’ Yet, states often treat civil and political rights, and economic, social and cultural rights as separable. Substantiate the norms of interdependencyby picking one CPR standard (from the UDHR or ICCPR) and one ESCR (from the UDHR or ICESCR) and explaining why and how these two standards are interdependent. You can use a case study to show this practically, or you can speak in purely legal or conceptual terms.

Course paper:

The paper will be two academic paper of around 3-3,500 words, of publishable standard (this means a critical analytical paper.  The paper topic is “............................................................”.

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